“Social Work is the first Bulgarian scientific and applied journal for social work. The journal presents original publications - research, analytical articles, science comments and reviews, research reports, science announcements, reviews of books and educational literature in different fields of social work.


Aims and Scope

The aims of the Journal are:

  • To facilitate exchange of professional experience and ideas between social work researchers and practitioners.
  • To build up society ideas about the significant social functions of social work and support professionalization.
  • To support research in a science area new for Bulgaria.
  • To promote experience of established countries about social work good practices. 
  • To contribute educational improvement for next generation of social workers.
  • To help practicing social workers for their professional growth efforts.


Field of Science:

Social Science, Social Work


The journal is intended for a wide audience - scientists in the social work field, teachers of social work, practitioners, students of social work and anyone else who may be interested in various social work topics.


The Journal content topics focus with priority on:

  • Specialized topics related to different social work areas;
  • Topics of theoretical framework - objectives, principles, values, approaches, models and methods;
  • Social work management, problems of planning, delivery and quality control of social services;
  • Social work specific topics analyzed in a multidisciplinary aspect.


Form and frequency

The Journal is an online and non-commercial edition with open access to content. It is semi-annually (2 issues per year). All articles are available in PDF at the website.  The online format of the journal aims to facilitate and accelerate sharing, access and distribution of scientific information and professional communication among researchers, practitioners, teachers within the field of social work.



Each issue of the journal presents papers in different sections (see below), as periodically publishes thematic issue dedicated to trending topics of theory and practice in social work. Certain issues also include an editorial by the Managing Editor.

Some of the main sections are:

"Analysis, surveys, science reviews" - Papers with analytical perspective on specific problems; Papers on general theoretical or applied theoretical issues, which present a broad review of the variety of approaches, concepts and science research; opinions discussed, assessed and reassessed by the author on the basis of which opinions and summaries are formed.

"Research" - this section includes articles presenting the results of empirical and theoretical research with clearly defined thesis, theoretical proof part, interpretations and conclusions.

"Reviews and reports" - science publications in the field of social work (books, monographs, studies, etc.).

 "Events" - short notifications for past and upcoming conferences, seminars and more.


Journal Indexing

The Journal is a part of the "NATIONAL REFERENCE LIST OF CONTEMPORARY BULGARIAN SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS WITH SCIENTIFIC REVIEW" of the National Center for Information and Documentation (NACID): ID – 1052. It is registered in: ROAD - Directory of Open Access Scholarly  Resources, Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL).

Editorial Board
Prof. Ginka Mehandzhiyska, PhD - Editor in Chief (2021- )
Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Tepavicharov, PhD - Founder and Editor in Chief (2013 – 2021)
Prof. Albena Tchavdarova, Dr.Habil.
Prof. Monica Bogdanova, Dr.Habil.
Prof. Lilyana Strakova, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Bistra Mizova, PhD
Editorial Committee
Prof. Siyka Chavdarova-Kostova, Dr.Habil. - Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Prof. Boncho Gospodinov, PhD - Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Prof. Vaska Stancheva-Popkostadinova, MD, PhD - South-West University "Neofit Rilski"
Prof. Veska Shosheva, PhD - Tracian University
Prof. Maria Stoyanova, PhD - University for National and World Economy
Prof. Silvia Nikolaeva, PhD - Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
International Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolf Bloemers - University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg-Stendal, Germany
Prof. Dr. Peter Buttner - University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany
Prof. Steven Shardlow, PhD, Doc. Soc. Sci. (h.c.) - Keele University, United Kingdom
Dr. Julia Watkins - former CSWE Executive Director, USA
ISSN 1314-9644
Our partners
The first issue of the magazine and the website Social Work are funded on a project by the Faculty of Education at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
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