
Manuscript instructions

The journal accepts the following types of articles for publication:

In Bulgarian:

Original scientific articles - up to 20 standard pages

Review scientific articles - from 10 to 25 standard pages

Studies - from 20 to 50 standard pages

Science reports and reviews - up to 5 standard pages

Event notifications - up to 2 standard pages

In English:

Original scientific articles - up to 20 standard pages

Review scientific articles - from 10 to 25 standard pages

Science reports and reviews - up to 5 standard pages

Event notifications - up to 2 standard pages

Note: The size of a standard page is 1800 characters per page


Text Design Requirements

A-4 page format, 3 cm margins on all sides

Format: Microsoft Word

Font: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12; line spacing – 1.5

Title of the article in Bulgarian and English.

Name and surname of the author in Cyrillic and Latin.

Summary in Bulgarian and English - up to 10 lines.

Keywords in Bulgarian and English – up to 7 words.


In papers in English only title, name and surname of the author, abstract and keywords are in English.

Titles of parts or paragraphs in the paper or the study are not numbered.

The literature includes only sources that are cited or referred in the text.

Sources of funding and acknowledgements are indicated (where applicable).

At the end of the paper information about the author is indicated: name, surname, professional status, institutional affiliation, e-mail address for contact with the author.


Quotation and references requirements

Quotations in paper: Name of author and year of publication of the cited texts (Tepavicharov I., 2000, p. 5); (Tepavicharov I., R. Simeonova, 2002, p. 70–98).

Shaping of references

Book by one author

Mehandzhiyska, G. (2008). The Interview Process in the Social Work. Sofia: East-West.

Book by more than one authors

Simeonova, R. et al (2010). Quality Management in Social Work Organisations. Sofia: Ibis.

Science Papers

Gospodinov, B. (2012). Social Work, Science and Science research. – Sv. Kliment Ohridski, University of Sofia Yearbook, Faculty of Education, Social Activities Book, vol. 103, 75–90.

Article in a science journal

Ericson, Er. Identity: Youth and Crisis. – Education, 1993, 7/8, 3–61.

Article in a scientific papers collection

Kriviradeva, B. (2008). Strategic Management in the Socio-Educational Organizations. Collection of articles, as part of Leonardo da Vinci Project...– In: Management in Social Work. Sofa, 7–23.

Article in a collection from scientific conference

Borisova-Bogdanova, М. (2009). Social Work and Psychoanalysis – In: Training, Professional Development and Social Status of the Social Worker. Reports collection from scientific practical conference with international participation, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the University of Sofia, organized by the Faculty of Education, held on 7-8 November 2008 Sofia: University Publishing House "St. Kliment Ohridski ", 108-132.


In Latin letters

Thyer, B. A., L. Myers. (2007). A Social Workers’ Guide to Evaluating Practice Outcomes. Alexandria, Verginia: Council of Social Work Education.

Trivellion, S. (2000). Social Work Research: What Kind of Knowledge/ Knowledges? An introduction to the Papers. – British Journal of Social Work, 30, 429–432.


Internet Sources

Nugier, A. (2009). Histoire et grands courants de recherche sur les émotions. – Revue électronique de Psychologie Sociale, 4, 8-14. –

Sources are listed in alphabetical order of the surnames. When several authors are listed, only the names of the first one are inverted. When the article is in Bulgarian, the names are listed in Cyrillic, followed by these in Latin letters. If the article is in English - the opposite is true.

When the internet sources have authors they are arranged in alphabetical order in the bibliography list. In rest cases Internet sources are described at the end, indicating the official name of the website, the title of the section and / or the material, the address (https: // www), for example:

Maria's World Foundation. Projects. - - visited on 08.12.2021

International Labor Organization, ILO. Labor standards. - - visited on 10.12.2021

Each source in Cyrillic is also transliterated into Latin in square brackets [], after it is written in Cyrillic, whereby the official standards for transliteration adopted in Bulgaria must be observed.

Technical layout requirements for charts, tables etc.:

  • to fit within the printable area of the page (i.e. not to go outside of the text margins);
  • to be grouped together to prevent displacement (the best option is to use frames);
  • to allow size correction if necessary.


Acceptance of texts for publication

Texts shall be sent to the following email address:

The author provides an email for feedback as well as information on professional status, position, organization.

The papers submitted for publication go through a preliminary review for compliance with the scientific profile of the journal and layout requirements and then they are reviewed by two experts in the field of the topic of the article as the double-blind review principle is kept. The decision to publish is taken after consideration by the editorial board. The author receives feedback regarding the decision.


Copyright and publication ethics

The Social work Journal is an electronic edition distributed freely with free of charge access to its content.

The texts published in the journal can be only used for non-commercial personal, scientific and educational purposes.

Distribution and reproduction by other communication media – print media, social media, blogs, websites, portals etc. of any publications in the journal is prohibited.

The contents of the journal may only be used in the form of citation or reference (in other publications and issues; in reports, articles, public speeches, lectures; in criticism, review, commentary, etc.). This may be done without requesting permission from the publisher, editor or author, but provided that the name of the author and the source of the content - Social Work Journal - are correctly indicated, and that no changes are made to the original content used.

For all other uses of the content of the publication (translation, reprint in other publications, etc.) a written consent from the author and the publisher must be requested.

Any other use of copyright content (reproduction, distribution, etc.) without the permission of both the author and the publisher is strictly prohibited and shall constitute a violation of copyright regulations.

The author is responsible for the content of his work. By offering his material for publication in the journal, the author ensures that this is an original and unpublished paper without plagiarism.

The journal receives the right from the author to provide access to the proposed work to an unlimited number of people by publishing it on the journal website. Social Work Journal is a non-commercial edition and does not owe the author any remuneration for published materials. The author undertakes, in case of re-reproduction / publication of content from the paper already published in the Social work Journal, to do this only under the following conditions:

  • Not to reproduce the work in its entirety and literally;
  • If the author uses the paper or parts of it as part of other own author's works with a larger volume (anthologies, monographs, textbooks, dissertations), to indicate the journal as the source of the initial publication.

Submitting, reviewing, evaluating, and preparing to publish each article requires authors, editors, and reviewers to report the presence or absence of current or potential conflicts of interest.


Editorial Board
Prof. Ginka Mehandzhiyska, PhD - Editor in Chief (2021- )
Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Tepavicharov, PhD - Founder and Editor in Chief (2013 – 2021)
Prof. Albena Tchavdarova, Dr.Habil.
Prof. Monica Bogdanova, Dr.Habil.
Prof. Lilyana Strakova, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Bistra Mizova, PhD
Editorial Committee
Prof. Siyka Chavdarova-Kostova, Dr.Habil. - Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Prof. Boncho Gospodinov, PhD - Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Prof. Vaska Stancheva-Popkostadinova, MD, PhD - South-West University "Neofit Rilski"
Prof. Veska Shosheva, PhD - Tracian University
Prof. Maria Stoyanova, PhD - University for National and World Economy
Prof. Silvia Nikolaeva, PhD - Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
International Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolf Bloemers - University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg-Stendal, Germany
Prof. Dr. Peter Buttner - University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany
Prof. Steven Shardlow, PhD, Doc. Soc. Sci. (h.c.) - Keele University, United Kingdom
Dr. Julia Watkins - former CSWE Executive Director, USA
ISSN 1314-9644
Our partners
The first issue of the magazine and the website Social Work are funded on a project by the Faculty of Education at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
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