Intercultural education and intercultural sensitivity of social work students: experiences from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia

АвторAnida Dudić-Sijamija

Abstract. Postulates of social work profession and ethical codes encompass principles commanding that social worker need to possess a knowledge basis on the culture of the user, especially those coming from a different culture. In this context, the acquisition of intercultural competences is one of the primary goals of the social work studies. The conducted research interrogates the extent of intercultural sensitivity of social work students (N= 200). Using quantitative method and Scale of Intercultural Sensitivity (Chen & Starosta, 2000), the following factors were analysed: interaction engagement, respect for cultural differences, interaction confidence, interaction enjoyment and interaction attentiveness. The results of the research have shown that the social work students positively experience cultural diversity, and that they act openly, self-confidently, and tolerantly in interaction with members or other cultures. It has been determined that there is a statistically significant difference in attitudes and behaviour of students previously acquainted with multiculturalism through education, as compared to those students who were not familiar with the content and the importance of this topic. Students who through their education acquired intercultural skills expressed a greater degree of self-confidence in interaction with people from different cultures and saw it as a positive example. Conversely, students who were not previously acquainted with the topic of interculturalism, manifested a lower degree of confidence in interaction with persons from different cultures, they displayed discomfort and were not content with the interactions. This research accentuates the significance of developing intercultural sensitivity with social work students, through initial education to acquire concepts and paradigms necessary for them to become effective practitioners of cultural, racial and linguistically diverse environments.

Keywords: interculturality, intercultural sensitivity, intercultural communication, students, social work

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Редакционна колегия
Проф. д-р Гинка Механджийска - Главен редактор (2021 - )
Доц. д-р Ивайло Тепавичаров – основател и главен редактор (2013 – 2021)
Проф. дпн Албена Чавдарова
Проф. дпн Моника Богданова
Проф. д-р Лиляна Стракова
Доц. д-р Бистра Мизова
Редакционен съвет
Проф. дпн Сийка Чавдарова-Костова - СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”
Проф. д-р Бончо Господинов - СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”
Проф. д-р Васка Станчева-Попкостадинова - ЮЗУ “Неофит Рилски”
Проф. д-р Веска Шошева - Тракийски университет – Стара Загора
Проф. д-р Мария Стоянова - УНСС
Проф. д-р Силвия Николаева - СУ “Св. Климент Охридски”
Международен редакционен борд
Проф. Волф Бльомерс - Университет по приложни науки, Магдебург, Германия
Проф. Петер Бутнер - Университет по приложни науки, Мюнхен, Германия
Проф. Стивън Шардлоу - Университет в Кийл, Великобритания
Д-р Джулия Уоткинс - бивш изпълнителен директор на Съвета за образование по социална работа, САЩ
ISSN 1314-9644
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